Friday, March 4, 2011

On the backs of. . .

One of the phrases I wish would disappear from public discourse is one that is routinely used--typically from those on the Left--to push back against any suggestion that a favored interest group should sacrifice. Donna Brazille recently remarked on ABC's "This Week" that Wisconsin's budget deficit should not be balanced "on the backs" of members of public unions. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill made a similar comment soon after (I forget where).

The problem with insisting that sacrifice should not be borne on the backs of an interest group is that it is endlessly repeatable. OK, if Group A should bear no burden, then neither should Group B, nor Group C, and so on. At the end of this we arrive at our destination: No one should contribute at all and the problem goes unsolved.

A much better approach is an appeal for shared sacrifice. Members of public unions should refuse to agree to cutbacks in benefits UNLESS other interest groups are willing to do their part as well.

1 comment:

  1. I saw a great exhibit this afternoon of artifacts representing Mayan cosmology and mythology- The Fiery Pool. Many of the pieces depicted individuals participating in sacrificial bloodletting while balanced "on the back" of a giant turtle.
